The story of My Senso begins in 1997, with the three founders of the brand wanting to set new standards in the sector of room scents and create an Italian enterprise to produce high-quality fragrances for use at home and in the workplace, as well as in spa and wellness areas.
The My Senso idea was born
Spurred on by this conviction, there began a long process of research. Innumerable experiments were carried out, samples taken and all sorts of application technologies tested, all in constant communication with the appropriate experts.
This period of close co-operation saw the development of a skilled team. With this line-up we have been working since 2007 successfully on our My Senso Line.
Today the simultaneous aim and impetus of the three company founders remains to find the best and to create something special.
Thanks to the knowledge and traditions of Italian perfumers, My Senso can offer unmatched levels of quality. The emphasis is on an authentic uniqueness rather than quantity. All My Senso products reflect an Italian scent experience that is encapsulated in a timeless design.
Every My Senso product offers you a little of our many years of passion and love for scents. The composition of the individual scent nuances and the loving way in which individual elements are combined guarantee an extra-special scent experience.